What: Celebrate Sŏllal, the Korean New Year, with a day of fun-filled family
activities at The Korea Society! Enjoy storytelling based on Korean folk
tales and practice sebae, the New Year’s bow, to show respect for
elders. Play traditional games such as yutnori and tuhonori, create
masks and other crafts, and sample tasty Korean treats! Unforgettable
memories await your family at The Korea Society.
When: Saturday, February 1st, 2014 | Session I: 1:00 pm | Session II: 3:00 pm
The KoreaSociety: 950 Third Avenue, 8th Floor
Tickets: Members $25 per family of 3-5 ($5 each additional family member), $10 for individuals; Non-members $30 per family of 3-5 ($10 each additional family member), $15 for individuals