What: The advent of digital and social media has created a new sort of
audience. No longer content to be passive consumers of information or
entertainment, the members of the “New Audience” expect to be active
participants in their media. As a group, the New Audience doesn’t want
to be told about a product via traditional advertising – the 30-second
TV spot (because after all, who watches live TV!). This has led to a
resurgence in Branded Entertainment, content that is supported by long
form narrative and crafted to appeal to an audience that actively
searches it out to engages with it.
Join our panel of creators and marketing pros to discuss the art
and craft of making content that accomplishes the twin goals of
promoting a brand’s message and creating experiences that appeal to
modern consumers.
When: Thursday Feb. 27th, 2014 | 7:30-9pm
Where: Lincoln Center - The Amphitheater